General Conditions


When purchasing the travel ticket, the passenger accepts all the general transport conditions listed below.

Caronna Tour undertakes to provide the service in compliance with the following fundamental principles:
– Equality
– Impartiality
– Continuity
– Participation
– Efficiency and effectiveness
– Freedom of choice

1 Admission of customers by bus

The client must be at the departure point at least 20 minutes before the time. The travel ticket is valid for the day and time indicated on it; counterfeit, incomplete or illegible travel documents are not valid.

2 Type of travel documents

The  tickets can be purchased on the online sites:,  at the Caronna Tour srl ticket office located inside Pisa airport near the exit, at the airport ticket office (information office inside the Apt on the right on the arrivals side), at the affiliated agencies and by the on-board staff. Children under 2 years old (max 1 per adult) travel for free. From 2 to 11 years reduced ticket. Tickets are neither transferable nor refundable. Any invoices must be requested immediately after purchase on

3 Refund of the travel ticket for failure to provide the service

If a disservice occurs due to circumstances and/or factors beyond the company’s control (e.g. accident, traffic blockage, bus breakdown, etc.), automatic transfer to the next journey or refund of the ticket will be provided voyage.

If applicable, the refund will be equal to the value of the travel document paid for.

Finally, it should be noted that the ticket is bound to the route, date and time selected during purchase and neither refund nor substitution of date, time or route is permitted.


4 Baggage transport

The traveler in possession of a regular ticket is entitled to carry free of charge a small hand baggage with a maximum size of cm. 95 (sum of length, height and depth) and one piece of luggage in the appropriate compartment not exceeding the weight of kg. 20 and not exceeding the dimensions of 105 cm (sum of length, height and depth).

For safety reasons it is absolutely forbidden to transport compressed, dissolved or liquefied gas cylinders, explosive, flammable, corrosive, dangerous, harmful and contaminating materials, fragile, precious materials (for example money, valuables, works of art, precious objects and similar), containers with wine or oil. Otherwise, the Caronna Company is not liable for the theft suffered, nor for any damage that such objects may cause to other luggage. In case of violation of the aforementioned provisions found at the time of departure, the Company may legitimately refuse transport.

Responsibility for loading and unloading baggage lies exclusively with passengers. There is no obligation for the driver or other bus staff to handle baggage.

In case of unexpected help from the driver or other bus staff, it is a pure act of courtesy, but the responsibility always remains with the customer, excluding cases of willful misconduct or gross negligence.

The trunk of the vehicle must be opened and closed only and exclusively by the personnel in charge (drivers).

The Supplier is not responsible in the event of loss, damage, theft or exchange of baggage.

5 Your Rights

1) Safety and tranquility of the journey;
2) Continuity and certainty of the journey;
3) Easy availability of information on the transport service (modalities, fares, timetables, etc.);
4) Respect for departure times at all stops envisaged during the route;
5) Recognizability of the staff and the tasks performed;
6) Compliance with all provisions on the ban on smoking in vehicles;

6 Duties of Users

1) Be in possession of a regular travel document;
2) Do not occupy more than one seat;
3) Do not smoke on board vehicles;
4) Do not dirty and damage the vehicles;
5) Maintain correct behavior towards other passengers and traveling staff;
6) Do not carry objects indicated as dangerous or harmful;
7) Respect the rules for transporting luggage.

7 User Rules of Conduct

The passenger is obliged to:

1) comply with travel requirements relating to the police, health, customs, administrative authorities, health regulations, etc.;

2) check in advance the data indicated on the ticket (travel date, time, fare, place of departure and arrival);

3) to comply with the warnings, invitations and provisions of the on-board staff issued for the safety and regularity of the service;

4) remain seated when the bus is moving;

5) do not consume alcohol or substances in general that could alter one’s psychomotor abilities;

6) maintain a conduct based on the rules of good behavior;

7) respect the duration of parking at motorway service areas (maximum 15 minutes) where applicable;

8) use the necessary precautions and ensure, as far as it depends on him, his own safety;

9) the passenger must choose a departure time that allows him to arrive on time with respect to the check-in deadline well in advance, taking into account traffic or any accidents.

The company declines all responsibility in the event of accidents suffered by passengers who do not comply with the aforementioned provisions. Otherwise the passenger will not be entitled to any refund and/or compensation.

The passenger is not admitted to the journey, and during the journey itself may be removed without the right to a refund of the price paid for the ticket, in the event that he represents a danger to the safety of the bus company’s activity and the passengers or causes serious disturbance. to other passengers.

The passenger is responsible towards the Caronna Company for any damage caused to the bus; in the event of voluntary damage, the Caronna company reserves the right to file any complaint in accordance with the law.

The passenger is responsible for:

a) show up at the departure point at least 40 minutes before the scheduled time;
b) check the departure and arrival times on the website or by telephone 366 1260651;
c) keep the travel document carefully to avoid loss, destruction and theft.
4. d) check via telephone 366 1260651 for any changes to the route or stop.

Obligations and responsibilities of the Company

The Caronna Tour company is not responsible for delays, interruptions, or missed connections and in general for any event regardless of its will (such as strikes, bad weather, mechanical breakdowns, traffic, road conditions, checks by the authorities, fortuitous cases or cases of force majeure).

For further information, consult Regulation (EC) No. 181/201


the passenger can make a complaint personally by providing a copy of an identity document and an intact travel document.

This complaint must be submitted via email to the address: no later than 30 days from the date of the travel document.

For any dispute the competent court is Pisa.



Pursuant to current European legislation regarding driving and rest times for drivers, the rules that the Company is required to respect are indicated below:

DAILY AVAILABILITY: 12 hours maximum
DAILY DRIVING PERMITTED: maximum 9 hours – every 4 hours and 30 minutes, 45 hours of rest are observed.
DAILY REST: 11 consecutive hours within 24 hours with reduction to 9 consecutive hours 3 days a week to be recovered before the end of the following week.
WEEKLY REST: 24 consecutive hours every 6 days of service.
Failure to comply with the preceding provisions provides for the deduction of 2 points from the driver’s license, in addition to the seizure of the vehicle as well as further sanctions provided for by law.

At your expense: any parking, expenses incurred by the carrier for driver travel (taxi if the accommodation facility does not have parking), €20.00 per meal if the driver is not at the expense of the group.

In case of cancellation of the service within 10 days prior to the service itself, no penalties will be applied.

In case of cancellation communicated after these days, a penalty equal to 50% of the agreed amount will be applied. Any city access permits, if already purchased at the time of cancellation, will be charged in full.
